Yesterday, I watched an incredible band called the Avett Brothers perform at Edgefield in Troutdale, OR. What an amazing show! These brothers had such high energy, with an audience whom were quite receptive to their material. The entire time I could not help but wonder what it would take for me to reach this level of professionalism. What would I have to do? What would I have to sacrifice? My life's calling has been in the direction of music ever since I was a small boy. I have played on many of great stages, opening up for amazing artist over the years. But these guys were loved. I watched as adoring fans mouthed the words of their favorite performers, in awe just to be near their musical talents. A friend of mine told me one day, while we were out to lunch from a recording session. He said :" One day you are going to move the hearts of people like Bob Marley". or something to that effect. I was totally dumbfounded by that comment. How could little ol Santino Cadiz from Lodi California, who grew up listening to his parents old records of Stevie Wonder, Tower of Power and The Doobie Brothers make such an impact on the world? I am moving at a pace, that I hope my mentors are proud of. I am discovering within me each day what it requires to be something great. At this moment I speak words of accomplishment! At this moment I speak words of Victory over defeat! I am the head! not the tail! I am above! not below! Lord use me as you will, to be a divine instrument for the peace and unity through healing, through music. To be a voice of one calling from the desert. Open new paths for me! Open doors that might have been closed by my own poor choices! Create a right spirit within me, So that I might be what you have called me to be.
One love and Namaste my friends!
Here is an article I have never read until today. Thanks for the inspiration! Avett Brothers photo courtesy of Santino Cadiz 2012 Santino Cadiz Band photo courtesy of Michael Rivera 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
I will be Light

what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life
more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of
the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And
can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And
why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how
they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in
all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the
grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the
oven, will he not much more clothe you-- you of little faith? Therefore
do not worry, saying, `What will we eat?' or `What will we drink?' or
`What will we wear?' For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these
things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these
things. But strive first for the Kingdom of Heaven and his
righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of
its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." Maybe we don't have to try so hard./ Maybe we just have to let it be.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Where the heart is

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
God is above.
God is above. I see Him in you/ I see Him in me./I see Him in the clouds/ I see Him in the trees. Let's not forget why we are here, my dear/ Let us not forget what we came here to be/ limitless and free. God is above/ He is not below/ He is not a spectator/ He is the whole darn show. God is above/ God is Love/ I think in the hurried state of our lives, we forget the true meaning of what dies./ How it's ok to be wrong/ It's what helps up grow wise/ God is above/ All of our problems and trials./ Thats we cry out to him Abba! (ie:father, a term of endearment, pappa or daddy) and he calls us His child.
Here are a few of my favorite things:
Shalom and Namaste my friends,
Here are a few of my favorite things:
Shalom and Namaste my friends,
Friday, November 4, 2011
I'm still here.
Believe it or not folks, I'm still here. What a trying and turbulent time this past couple of months have been. But thank God I am still here. I have been patiently waiting for a bright and sunny day, and it looks like winter has to come first. It always does. Trying to remain hopeful about the future, as my body ages, trying to stay positive in a world filled with so much negativity. Things could always be worse right? Let's see, musically not much has evolved since the tour. I am kind of in a writers slump, but like the seasons I know it's only temporary. Excited to try and get another music project off the ground, with potential waiting right outside my door. Portland has been an interesting place to live thus far, and I am sure that once I am in the groove of things, there will be no looking back. How do we obtain dreams? by reaching out for them/ How do we manifest reality?/By speaking them first. I have a lot to learn in a short amount of time, so I better start paying attention to all the finite details. Universe....I'm still here.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Stuck in Lodi again
We left Oceanside yesterday, so sad to go. But this would not be a tour if we got too attached to each city we visit. Onwards back down to Lodi, CA where I am from. A little spot in the valley about 30 milles south of Sacramento. Tonight we play at what could potentially be one of the "rougher" crowds we have had a chance to perform in front is a quite humorous review I have read about tonights venue "
"Nino's is a fantastic place to observe the North American Cougar in her natural habitat, ready to pounce and prey upon any guy under the age of 35.The drinks are solid, they don't accept debit or credit (which in this day and age is crazy) but they do have one of those sketchy on-site ATM machines. Lots of bikers, old dudes in Tommy Bahama shirts and young, wanna-be redneck clampers. Do yourself a favor and head straight for the back (where the stage is located) and enjoy the splendid view of middle age white folks dancing to a C minus version of Hot For Teacher. You go girl, tear up that dance floor just like you did at Senior Prom 1980!"
Here is another hilarious re view I pulled off of Yelp
"This place could only exist in a place like Modesto. This is actually one of the places in Modesto that I take people to get a feel for Modesto and that indescribable feeling of being in the presence of human time-bombs .
I feel weird writing a review of Nino's Place because very few of their patrons will ever log into the internet, let alone be able to read this review - but that's okay. I am not saying Nino's patrons are stupid or ignorant, they have just had other things to do in their life other than learn to read...namely serve 10 to 20, repair HVAC units, or work for the MPD.
I agree with the other reviewer, respect and not being a asshole will get you a drink. Anything less might get your teeth knocked down your throat.
I highly recommend their raspberry compote cheese cake and any one of their limited edition Belgian beers."
I feel weird writing a review of Nino's Place because very few of their patrons will ever log into the internet, let alone be able to read this review - but that's okay. I am not saying Nino's patrons are stupid or ignorant, they have just had other things to do in their life other than learn to read...namely serve 10 to 20, repair HVAC units, or work for the MPD.
I agree with the other reviewer, respect and not being a asshole will get you a drink. Anything less might get your teeth knocked down your throat.
I highly recommend their raspberry compote cheese cake and any one of their limited edition Belgian beers."
So with that said it looks like we are in for quite a treat tonight! If you do not hear back from Us in 24 hours please send help.
Shalom and Namaste friends!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
O Cosmic Universe, let me count thy ways...
O cosmic universe, where are you leading me? Playing city after after city has definitely, had a wonderful effect on my spirit. The show in San Diego @ Cafe Libertalia was a humbling experience. We were blessed with the opportunity to play to a very small select audience whom were really receptive to our music, and for that I am truly thankful.
Me and Roy spent some time with my cousin in San Diego's Ocean Beach, before and after the show. What a beautiful experience it was, to reconnect with old family, to have a break and enjoy the surf and a few good meals. Looking back on the wonderful places we have visited, San Diego seems like a place I could see my self living. Who knows what the future holds?
My cousin and his girlfriend Kelly were amazing hosts, and once again the magic and the destiny of the tour is manifesting itself daily. Teaching valuable life lessons that can only be learned by experience. That's why I say " O cosmic universe.." because I am realizing more and more each day, that I am, we are, exactly were we are supposed to be. The faces we have seen, the lives we have touched through the gift of music has been immeasurable.
We are back in Oceanside, CA working on our spirits, taking the time to breathe. Today I collected some sage from the yard and tied them together with wild grass. I plan on using this natural purifier to share with the guys on our return trip back to Lodi. Another cool thing that happened this morning when I went to get coffee , was I ran into someone who I am a huge fan of. Billy Galewood ie: Bushwalla. Accomplished musician, poet, juggler and best friend of one of my musical muses, Jason Mraz. What a blessing it was to sit and rap with him for a few moments, He recognized me from a Portland show in which I reminded him that I gave him a CD with the " Jewish title". I know I probably freaked him him out because when I seen him I was like " Mr. Billy Galewood" he probably thought I was some obsessed fan or someone trying to serve him with some sort of legal documents by the confused look on his face. It was all in good fun, after staying here in Oceanside for a few days I also realized that I am staying directly across the street from Alysse Fischer, another good friend of Mraz's. What a small world this truly is. And I know I am on the right path. How do I know? Because the universe tells me all the time in it's own way.
Just four more shows to go, and then I can see my lover again, and sleep in my own bed.
Shalom and Namaste friends-
Me and Roy spent some time with my cousin in San Diego's Ocean Beach, before and after the show. What a beautiful experience it was, to reconnect with old family, to have a break and enjoy the surf and a few good meals. Looking back on the wonderful places we have visited, San Diego seems like a place I could see my self living. Who knows what the future holds?
My cousin and his girlfriend Kelly were amazing hosts, and once again the magic and the destiny of the tour is manifesting itself daily. Teaching valuable life lessons that can only be learned by experience. That's why I say " O cosmic universe.." because I am realizing more and more each day, that I am, we are, exactly were we are supposed to be. The faces we have seen, the lives we have touched through the gift of music has been immeasurable.
We are back in Oceanside, CA working on our spirits, taking the time to breathe. Today I collected some sage from the yard and tied them together with wild grass. I plan on using this natural purifier to share with the guys on our return trip back to Lodi. Another cool thing that happened this morning when I went to get coffee , was I ran into someone who I am a huge fan of. Billy Galewood ie: Bushwalla. Accomplished musician, poet, juggler and best friend of one of my musical muses, Jason Mraz. What a blessing it was to sit and rap with him for a few moments, He recognized me from a Portland show in which I reminded him that I gave him a CD with the " Jewish title". I know I probably freaked him him out because when I seen him I was like " Mr. Billy Galewood" he probably thought I was some obsessed fan or someone trying to serve him with some sort of legal documents by the confused look on his face. It was all in good fun, after staying here in Oceanside for a few days I also realized that I am staying directly across the street from Alysse Fischer, another good friend of Mraz's. What a small world this truly is. And I know I am on the right path. How do I know? Because the universe tells me all the time in it's own way.
Just four more shows to go, and then I can see my lover again, and sleep in my own bed.
Shalom and Namaste friends-
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