O cosmic universe, where are you leading me? Playing city after after city has definitely, had a wonderful effect on my spirit. The show in San Diego @ Cafe Libertalia was a humbling experience. We were blessed with the opportunity to play to a very small select audience whom were really receptive to our music, and for that I am truly thankful.
Me and Roy spent some time with my cousin in San Diego's Ocean Beach, before and after the show. What a beautiful experience it was, to reconnect with old family, to have a break and enjoy the surf and a few good meals. Looking back on the wonderful places we have visited, San Diego seems like a place I could see my self living. Who knows what the future holds?
My cousin and his girlfriend Kelly were amazing hosts, and once again the magic and the destiny of the tour is manifesting itself daily. Teaching valuable life lessons that can only be learned by experience. That's why I say " O cosmic universe.." because I am realizing more and more each day, that I am, we are, exactly were we are supposed to be. The faces we have seen, the lives we have touched through the gift of music has been immeasurable.
We are back in Oceanside, CA working on our spirits, taking the time to breathe. Today I collected some sage from the yard and tied them together with wild grass. I plan on using this natural purifier to share with the guys on our return trip back to Lodi. Another cool thing that happened this morning when I went to get coffee , was I ran into someone who I am a huge fan of. Billy Galewood ie: Bushwalla. Accomplished musician, poet, juggler and best friend of one of my musical muses, Jason Mraz. What a blessing it was to sit and rap with him for a few moments, He recognized me from a Portland show in which I reminded him that I gave him a CD with the " Jewish title". I know I probably freaked him him out because when I seen him I was like " Mr. Billy Galewood" he probably thought I was some obsessed fan or someone trying to serve him with some sort of legal documents by the confused look on his face. It was all in good fun, after staying here in Oceanside for a few days I also realized that I am staying directly across the street from Alysse Fischer, another good friend of Mraz's. What a small world this truly is. And I know I am on the right path. How do I know? Because the universe tells me all the time in it's own way.
Just four more shows to go, and then I can see my lover again, and sleep in my own bed.
Shalom and Namaste friends-
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